The Blogger Applications Are Open!

Futurewave blogger applications have just opened. If you are interested in blogging futuristic styles, if space adventures appeal to you, if your default hair is cyberlox, if gasmasks are your fashion accessory of choice, if human flesh is too soft and you prefer to be an android instead, this is the event for you.

As always, we don’t require that you are specialized in the genre, we don’t even require that you have blogged it or our events before, although all of that is a huge heart-warming delightful squee factor. We require that you are interested in the theme and willing to try it out, that you are willing to blog the event in some shape or form (writing about the event itself is just as accepted as using items from it for looks) and that your personal avatar and photography style matches what we are looking for.

Click here to find the faq and application, come join us in the wave!

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