We have entered… The Waiting List.

There’s a  new merchant list update.

With this update we are FULL for Futurewave 2014.  HOWEVER.  Applications will be open through the 31st. Why? Because we need waiting list people.  We have never done an event (ever, in the history of ever) where we’ve not had to lean on the waiting list- often quite hard. So please do apply. If you are on the waiting list, the “new item” requirement is waived, for obvious reasons.

For those who applied and didn’t get in- in almost all cases it had to do with matters of theme. If your whole shop is rather strictly *nowhere near* what we’re after,  it’s not that we don’t think you’re CAPABLE of doing something in theme- it’s just that your time would be better served actually making something that would appeal to your normal customer base.  If someone buys stuff and then goes to your shop and is disappointed because nothing else is even remotely like what they bought, there’s no real win for you. It’s just a lot of pressure for no good reason.

We also know that people do multiple events at once, and truly, we’d rather you do the events that will give you the most benefit.  We don’t love you any less, AND WORLD GOTH FAIR APPLICATIONS OPEN APRIL 1. HINT. HINT.

That all said (seriously, I always feel badly when I think people might invent motivations that weren’t there.), let’s get started. We have a future to build, after all.

The Blogger Applications Are Open!

Futurewave blogger applications have just opened. If you are interested in blogging futuristic styles, if space adventures appeal to you, if your default hair is cyberlox, if gasmasks are your fashion accessory of choice, if human flesh is too soft and you prefer to be an android instead, this is the event for you.

As always, we don’t require that you are specialized in the genre, we don’t even require that you have blogged it or our events before, although all of that is a huge heart-warming delightful squee factor. We require that you are interested in the theme and willing to try it out, that you are willing to blog the event in some shape or form (writing about the event itself is just as accepted as using items from it for looks) and that your personal avatar and photography style matches what we are looking for.

Click here to find the faq and application, come join us in the wave!

Merchant list update time.

The Merchant List has been updated again.  Currently, we have five slots left to put up.  We are expecting to get everyone on the list within the next 72 hours. I’ll be sending out posters/invites/emails/things to the new list folks shortly. 

Thanks everyone, for your patience. Due to the nature of this event, building the list is much slower than usual.  Applications will remain open through the 31st. Once we fill up, we will move to the waiting list.  Please, do not hesitate to apply even if we’re full.  We have never run an event, ever, where we didn’t pull people from the waiting list. 

Anyone pulled from the waiting list *after* February 1 is exempt from the new item rule.  If you can swing it, fine, and if not, it’s entirely understandable.

Thanks again, gang.

Another Merchant List update.

I’ve just finished the second update to the merchant list. There’s still 11 stores yet to be announced, and once again, applications are open through January 31.  For those stores included in this update, I’ll be sending out posters/invites shortly, as well as sending emails re: booth fees etc.

Blogger applications for Futurewave will open on the 15th. As always, Sonya Marmurek handles all things blogger, so if you have blogger related questions, she’s the person to ask.  Asking anyone else just means we ask Sonya anyway, so you may as well save yourself the extra step.

If you’re a SPONSOR and haven’t yet gotten your logo to us, please do it asap as we’re planning on getting that page built this weekend.  Thaaaank yooooo.

++ wave imminent ++

++ wave imminent ++

sian, the Cursed Events team’s guest member (which one’s she? You know! Transhuman? No? Ambivalently gendered? No? Pretentiously lowercase? No? Writes in the third person? No idea? OK, the bald one? Oh, her) is super-excited about the stores we’ve confirmed for Futurewave so far. In reaching out to people she’s discovered a raft of amazing stuff – established brands with loyal followings, creators who are upping their game constantly, and small, perfectly formed colossally talented artisan makers who are forging their own path into tomorrow with originality and fun.

Obviously, no one’s unveiled their Futurewave specials yet – that’s in the future – but you should check out the stores we’ve announced  on our list, if only to giv you a flavour of how awesome this event is going to be. From the chrome bucket retro stylings of Qyxwerk, to Zibska‘s otherworldly couture jewellery to Contraption‘s off-kilter fantasies to BFI‘s confident futuristic roleplay equipment, we’ve got some real treats (and we haven’t even mentioned half of the cool stuff our merchants have in store? What about DRD? Unsung? Spyralle? Pin Me Down?)  There are yet more, and we haven’t even announced everyone yet.

++ wave imminent ++

Check out this amazing hypermodern boots/gloves/bodysuit combo currently at VRSION (there’s a men’s version of the outfit too). Or the whimsical cyberpunk futurism of geek‘s Heart for Tinman nightlight, screwed onto sian’s chest. The timeless ball chair, a classic design, comes courtesy of Paco Pooley and Manuel Ormidale’s sometimes funny, sometimes beautiful, always brilliant Bauwerk store. Rook supplied the poses.

Wait, did you catch a spoiler? Well, this is the future, and sian is stepping into it with wide eyes and a hopeful (cybernetic light-up) heart. Will you?

Merchant applications are still open.

The first merchant list update.

I’ve just updated the Merchant List. Because our entry requirements for this event are different than the others we do, it took some extra time to check each store.  There will be more updates in the coming days. Tonight I’ll be contacting those merchants via email and dropping group invites (if needed) and posters on them inworld.  Again, applications are open until January 31.

Thanks again to everyone who has sent us applications so far.  We really appreciate it. 🙂

The Sponsor list has been finalized.

As promised, we have a final list of sponsors for Futurewave 2014.  Thank you to everyone who applied for sponsorship!  We know not everyone who wanted it, got it, but we only had five slots to begin with.   As soon as we get all the logos, we’ll have the sponsor page and main page icons ready for everyone(thanks to Synjari, because I’m terrible at CSS.)

Posters, group invites, and emails have been delivered to all sponsors. If you’re on the list, please check your email and all the details should be there (there were two emails.) The first wave of merchants will be notified in the next few days.

In the meantime, we are taking applications through January 31.  Thanks again to our sponsors and to all who applied.


Happy New Year, Futurists.

Futurewave 2014

Happy New Year, everyone!

So, to update you on what’s going on so far – we’ve opened applications, and we expect to have a sponsor list for everyone within the next couple of days.  The merchant list will come in batches, moreso than usual, but we’re going to try to get stuff out for everyone as soon as we can.  We’re just trying to finalize the sponsors first so we can update the site before we move on to the merchant list.  Applications will remain open through January 31, 2014. If you know someone who would be perfect for this? Hey – send them here so they can apply.

That said, folks, I’m begging you here – please read the FAQ thoroughly before you apply.  I love you guys, but seriously, I can tell when you don’t read it.  Honest.  The most important points that I want to re-stress here:

This is not Pimp My Fandom.  (if I could make this sentence bling I would.)

No:  Dr. Who, Star Wars, Star Trek, Firefly, Repo!, BSG, whatever space based video game you’re fond of…. I don’t know how many ways I can say it, but I really do promise that we will won’t take fandom based merch.  No, no, and no.

We are running *very tight* acceptances on this event. FAR more so than GxG/ACS, and even people who are usually guaranteed an in with us may not get in.  This is *not* personal, and we love you all the same.  The issue is that we’re aware that there’s a serious dearth of sci-fi/futuristic based events inworld (though in fairness, we’re also learning why that is…) and we’re trying to keep this event very tightly to theme.  That said, if you have stuff that fits the theme? By all means apply. We have people who are checking every store and application thoroughly.

So far, we have a pretty incredible merchant lineup if you’re a fan of all things futuristic, and we’ve got all kinds of genres covered, from cybergoth(what. It’s still a Cursed Event, I mean come on.) to 50’s atomic, to future couture, robots and cyborgs, armor and weapons, and even Victorian futurism is covered too.  The digital (and apparently futuristic steam) revolution is now. Come join us.


The Future is Now.

Happy New Year, and welcome to the future.

Futurewave is the newest event from Cursed Events and will run from February 15-23rd 2014.  It’s a science fiction themed event on one sim (Cursed).  Want to join us?  More information is available on the FAQ page here.

Applications will remain open through January 31.